New Entry at the Inn

We are feeling very pleased with our new (and long overdue) entry. We are honored to know a local master craftsman that resurfaced the concrete steps, repaired the decorative woodwork, repaired the roof, and forged two wrought iron railings. It's very rewarding to repair/replace things on this beautiful building and make them look like they once did with quality design, materials and craftsmanship. It's always a challenge to decide (and budget) what is worth keeping or replicating and what isn't. We usually decide to keep or replicate. We want everything to look as original as possible. We had to have two columns replaced/replicated. We think they look spot on. Maybe we are the only ones that know which are new...and we think the wrought iron railings are much like what would have been in place originally. We should post "before" photos, but it was ugly. We always focus on the positive and progress, so we are only posting the demo, in progress, and the beautiful...