"New" Owner & Manager at Rogues' June 2019

Well, it's been about 3 1/2 years since I last posted. A lot has happened. As most of you know, I sold the Rogues' Harbor Inn in December 2015 to pursue my life long dream of designing and fabricating fine jewelry. It was a bittersweet goodbye. I really loved Rogues', but I had to pursue my dream and the rigorous schedule of operating the inn, restaurant & brewery were just not allowing me to do that. I have had the privilege for the past three years of working with Fareed Abdulky, master jeweler of 55 years, at Carla Bijouterie in Ithaca. It has been wonderful. Now, Rogues' has lured me back. I have always loved it, and I think it loves me. My plan is to remain at Carla Bijouterie and operate the inn. I would like to lease out the restaurant space and there a few truly excellent operators considering it (stay tuned). Of course, Salt Point Brewing is doing a fabulous job with their place next door and they will be there until their new facility around the...