Mother's Day 2013 in the Heart of the Finger Lakes

Shrimp and Asparagus Risotto We love Mother's Day, so much so that we open early at noon to serve dinner all day. It's one of those days at the inn where every table seems to know each other. The asparagus is in season and even the trees have leafed out early just for the occasion. Our chef has created some special offerings with Mom in mind. Flavorful, healthy and not too heavy: Cream of Asparagus Soup and Shrimp Cocktail for appetizers. Entree offerings are Shrimp and Asparagus Risotto with suggested pairings of Treleaven Chardonnay and Our Hell on Wheels Wit. We're also offering Scallops Solera with the suggested pairings of Goose Watch Pinot Grigio and Our Cayuga Cream Ale. Fresh seafood on a warm sunny day with a drink in hand is the perfect match. Our featured dessert is our chef's sinful dark chocolate chunk cheesecake with fresh strawberries on top, and fresh whipped cream of course. Our New Spring Menu has plenty of new dishes to try as well www.rogueshar...