Rogues' Harbor's Dictionary of Restaurant Lingo

I've (E has) been in the restaurant business for 23 years, about 18 of those years in the Ithaca area. Every restaurant on earth (in Ithaca, NY and beyond) has their own slang. Rogues' Harbor Inn is no different. Most meanings carry over from one restaurant to another. Recently, there have been a number of reality restaurant shows highlighting a behind the scenes look at the restaurant world. But, even these glimpses (some accurate, some not so much) don't seem to offer much insight into the restaurant language which permeates the industry. I think the expressions are an interesting slice of life. They offer a peek at the true personality of the hard working, tough as nails, yet light hearted folks that make it all happen. So, We decided to make a list of definitions for non restaurant folk for educational and/or entertainment purposes. We had a tough time making the list. These are terms we use all the time without even noticing. I'm sure we've left a few funn...